The use of modern measurement methods in the inventory of endangered cultural heritage objects in Lviv
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Lviv Polytechnic National University
Publication date: 2023-06-30
Journal of Modern Technologies for Cultural Heritage Preservation 2023;2(2)
The article is devoted to the problem of documenting, visualising and inventorying cultural heritage objects using modern methods of measuring, storing and integrating large arrays of heterogeneous data. Several examples of documenting monuments in Lviv and its surroundings are presented. Various methods and technologies of data collection and processing of point clouds are applied and described, namely: the photogrammetric method in the study of an archaeological ground object using the Delta photogrammetric station, the method of ground laser scanning and 3D modelling of monuments in the FaroScene program, the use of UAVs at low altitudes for documenting monuments, data processing, measurement and creation of dynamic virtual models in the AgiSoft PhotoScan program. The methodology for generating a virtual model of a monument from an array of images in ReCap Photo is presented. The article also describes the possibilities of documenting and video archiving of monuments in graphic-attribute databases on the example of the developed information and reference system "Golden Horseshoe of Lviv Region" and a virtual tour in ArcGis and Tourweaver.
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