The example of applications of new digital documentation technologies on the example of archaeological research conducted at the Royal Castle in Warsaw – the critical analyse
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The Royal Castle in Warsaw
Publication date: 2022-12-09
Journal of Modern Technologies for Cultural Heritage Preservation 2022;1(1)
Technological development does not go unnoticed in historic preservation. There is a search for new solutions and concepts by means of which the protection and management of cultural heritage would become more effective and optimal from the point of view of various stakeholder groups. This article aims to present new opportunities brought by applying modern techniques in creating documentation of architectural and archaeological research. Particular attention has been paid to the multifaceted possibilities of subsequent use of the acquired data. The example of the Royal Castle in Warsaw served as a starting point for considering a wide range of applications in various fields related to the protection of cultural heritage. Potential inventory and analytical, as well as popularisation solutions, were presented. The potential of modern technologies continues to be discovered, and their use in the protection of cultural heritage is slowly becoming an everyday reality.
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